EZ 求簽(Soothsaying)

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Produktivita Zábava
Vývojář: ez4phone lnc.
1.99 USD

求簽是中國一個流行的傳統文化。這100支簽文中,蘊涵著陰陽、五行等諸多易經的原理。現在,您不再需要長途奔波,到名寺古剎中求得靈簽了,您的iPhone就可以做到這些。 “EZ 求簽”利用iPhone獨有的重力加速功能,將您的手機變成一個真正的簽筒。只需要簡單地搖動和触摸即可完成求簽解簽的全部過程,使您的iPhone不再只是一個簡單的電話,而且可以預知未來:晃動簽筒,心中祈福,100枝整齊的簽會有屬於您的那一枝掉出,並在第一時間告訴您簽的好壞,解說簽文,按不同的事項去解簽。


In Chinese history, Wong Tai Sin was a famous hermit who had healing powers and could also make predictions about the future. When some one wants to decide something, they will ask Master Wong Tai Sin in advance.
In China, there is a Wong Tai Sin Temple, where people make wish and get Master Wong Tai Sin’s prediction. Pray in their mind and shake the bamboo cylinder. When a stick falls out, your fortune will be shown.
Now, you don’t need to travel far to Wong Tai Sin Temple. You don’t need to wait for a long time in order to get a bamboo cylinder. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about what the soothsaying means. We will make all for you. Shake your iPhone as shaking the bamboo cylinder. All the soothsaying is inside your iPhone. When a stick falls out, all the prediction will be displayed in you screen. Don’t hesitate, try at once. See what Master Wong Tai Sin indicates.

➢We apply iPhone’s accelerometer to sense your shaking of the bamboo cylinder.
➢The explanation is based on the Chinese story.
➢Predictions are for several aspects, such as your personal well-being, future prospect and etc.
➢Three languages are supported, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English.
➢Two modes are provided, Traditional Mode and Popular Mode.

求签是中国一个流行的传统文化。这100支签文种,蕴涵着阴阳、五行等诸多易经的原理。现在,您不再需要长途奔波,到名寺古刹中求得灵签了,您的iPhone中就可以做到这些。 “EZ 求签”利用iPhone独有的重力加速功能,将您的手机变成一个真正的签筒。只需要简单地摇动和触摸即可完成求签解签的全部过程,使您的iPhone不再只是一个简单的电话,而且可以预知未来:晃动签筒,心中祈福,100枝整齐的签会有属于您的那一枝掉出,并在第一时间告诉您签的好坏,解说签文,按不同的事项去解签。
